Sunday, January 31, 2010


We had an uneventful trip back to PNG. The highlight of the trip was having a 24 hour layover in Brisbane where we got to spend some time with our niece and her husband of one year whom we hadn't had the privilege of meeting yet. Thank you Katrina and Jerrod for showing us such a lovey time.

The new year has brought many changes to our program. We are delighted that Bennett Spencer, along with his wife Dalena and daughter Annah, has joined AAS as our new pilot. Bennett is a highly experienced and skilled pilot and we just feel so blessed to have him join our team. Dalena already comes with a missionary background as she grew up in Taiwan. We enjoy her fun spirit and she has been quick to adapt to the culture.

As for little Annah... she is doing her part to try to understand the culture as well. (-:

While we were gaining new team members, we were also loosing some. Brooks Payne, our airplane mechanic, and his wife Susan have returned to the States. They will be greatly missed in PNG.
Another sad loss to our team is Willie. Willie was a young national who always had a sparkle in his eyes and a great big smile. I never saw Willie when he didn't look like he was just enjoying life to the fullest. He was a carpenter who for many years (dating back to our first term here) did odd jobs for AAS. While we were home on furlough we received the shocking news that Willie had died from Hepatitis. He left behind a lovey wife and 6 month old baby girl.
This past week Carol, Dalena, and I went to visit Willie's widow, Diane, and baby Carol.

Here is Carol Millist holding her namesake, baby Carol.

Annah brought several of her toys and clothes to share with the baby.

Baby Carol enjoying her new stuffed kitty.

Willie's grandmother, parents, wife and daughter with Carol Millist. Willie will be missed by all.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year

Bill and I have been home on furlough for the holidays and it has been a wonderful time spent with family and friends.

I came home early so I could spend Thanksgiving with my parents and our girls. I met Bri and Betsy at Union College and was delighted to find out that some of the “little girl” still remains in my grown up college daughters.

Right after Thanksgiving my two sisters were able to come and spend a week with my parents and me. We really missed having our brother there to make the reunion complete.  But we truly enjoyed our sister time together.  

Shortly after their departure Bill returned home from PNG and his family all gathered at our home for a family reunion.  It was a special time of laughing and crying as we shared memories of Bob and found our hearts really missing him during this Holiday season. We really look forward to the big family reunion in Heaven where we will ALL be together again forever and ever.  Bob, Neiba, Dad…all of us! 

We enjoyed showing off some of the beauty of New Mexico to Bill’s family.  We took them hiking on top of Sandia Mountain and to the unique formations of Tent Rocks. 

I loved playing the part of “grandma” and helping my adopted grandkids make some Christmas cookies.  

Christmas wouldn’t be the same without Grammy and Poppy.

What do you think? Where we good enough this year to receive something in our stockings?

Thank you to Dave and Bev Spencer for inviting us to spend some time in their beautiful little cabin up in the Colorado mountains.  

Linden Millist was visiting us from Australia and we wanted him to experience some real snow! 

 A gorgeous Sabbath afternoon hike. 

Playing in the snow. 

All good things must come to an end! Yesterday the girls returned to college and Linden to PNG. Bill and I will be following shortly on January 12.

Happy New Year to each one of you. May this next year be a time of growing closer to Jesus and one year closer to heaven.